If this has been going on for a year, and you've got tinnitus plus dizziness, then you should go to an neurotologist to be checked for Meniere's disease.
A neurotologist is a very specialized ENT who focuses only on the inner ear.
I can't diagnose you over the computer, but dizziness, triggered or worsened by looking at the computer, tinitus, and feeling of fullness, all of which seem to come and go, in the ear (always the same ear) are very typical symptoms of Meniere's.
If you have Meniere's, there is no cure, but in most people it can be controlled by some changes in your diet. Please find a specialist (not an ENT, a neurotologist) and make sure they screen you for Meniere's.
I have this, and it started as occasional tinnitus, so I went to my PCP. She didn't find anything wrong with my ear (no infection) so I ignored it. Then a dizzy feeling when I worked too long at the computer, along with the tinnitus. So I tried to take more breaks and otherwise ignored it. And then one day I had full-out vertigo - I was working at my desk in front of the computer and almost fell out of the chair. I had to lie on the floor at work for an hour until it passed. I couldn't ignore it anymore. After seeing a PCP, and two ENTs, I finally saw an neurotologist who diagnosed me and helped me get the proper treatment. Please don't wait for all this to happen like I did, which amounted to several months of daily vertigo after that first attack, while I figured it out. See a neurotologist now. (And don't freak out if you have this, with the diet changes I am back to working 8 hour days in front of my computer).
Here is some info: