Diva Cup

Updated on June 22, 2009
J.L. asks from Rochester, MI
5 answers

Hi. Looking for advice from people who use the Diva Cup (similar to Instead cups). Thanks, Jen

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answers from Detroit on

I haven't used the Diva cup specifically but use the Moon cup, which I think is basically the same thing. I love it. It does take some getting used to - maybe two cycles before I felt completely comfortable with it. But after that I found it was so much easier than tampons or pads. I haven't had any problems with leaking, except through my own fault of not emptying it soon enough on a heavy day. I use it in conjunction with a glad rags pantyliner for some added peace of mind. Most days I only need to empty it twice, once in the morning and once before bed. Very economical and much better for your health and the environment. I also cut the stem off of the bottom completely because that is what I found uncomfortable about wearing it, but you should see what works for you. It is still easy for me to remove without the stem, which I was worried about at first. I just grasp the bottom of the cup with my thumb and index finger. Hope it works for you. Good luck!

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answers from Detroit on

I just bought my diva cup a couple cycles ago. Im actually wearing it right now and can't feel a thing :) Its very nice. There might be a small learning curve on positioning it correctly but once you get the hang of it its not bad. I like the convienence of not having to carry feminine products around. Its very simple to take out without mess and do a good rinse/wash and you're good to go again :) I do wear a panty liner just in case.

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Love it! One of my favorite things about it is that it doesn't need to be removed and reinserted every time you urinate/have a bowel movement so I really don't have to mess with it much while I'm away from home. For instance, on the days when I work an eight hour shift I rinse it before I leave and rinse it when I get home, no messing with it in between. I did use a pad at first until I got used to inserting it, as it's different from a tampon, but now I usually don't.

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answers from Detroit on

I LOVE the Diva cup. It is 10 times better then instead - no mess taking it out. It took a two month learning curve to learn how to make sure it is inserted properly every time, but I have been using it for about 4 cycles now and I never want to use anything else. You will not regret it. I can now tell when I am about to menstrate and can place it in before so I have no surprises.

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answers from Detroit on

I really like it. I've been using it for about 6 months. It didn't take me much to learn how to do it. Try it in the shower first. If you are out and about a lot it's not convenient unless you can find a private bathroom and sink - I like to rinse mine every time I empty it. But in those cases, I take a tampon.

It's easy and better for you and the Earth. :)

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