hello C....
it is YOUR house and they are YOUR children, so whatever YOU decide are the rules with regard to IT and THEM...well then too bad for everyone else. by the way you should never feel as if letting your, less than capable of doing so neatly, children prepare their own sandwich is letting them get away with something...sure you do so because you would rather not incite a hungry independent riot, but parents who choose to stand firm on "no mommy's making the sandwiches" because letting them do so would take longer be messier, and require more work, are not taking the opportunity to truly experience the joys of parenthood...i know that the process of letting them do for themselves is very time consuming, but i bet at bedtime when going over the events of your day with them, you have many more positive beautiful pictures of happy children then say the mommy who takes up every battle, well, simply because she is the mommy and has no time for indulging messy children, after all it's also these mommies that have to clean the playroom for the fifth time today... enjoy your kids at a kids pace and in a kids space they will be beautiful happy adults one day and thank you for it. on a side note, that mommy with the perfect house, perfect kids and perfect smile is probably losing her mind trying to keep up with herself and her poor children are miserable i'm sure of it.
here, by the way is my helpful hint to you. you said the grandparents are at your home often and i assume by often you mean much too often...so the next time one of the grandparents insists on sabotaging your harmonious home with "TIME TO CLEAN UP"...try this; with your hands held firmly on your hips as you stand in the middle of a toy laden playroom floor with a larger than life smile on you lips and a bit of that crazed wild eyed mommy look we can all get when we're about to go off the deep end in your eyes, answer back loudly and for all to hear..."heck no grandma WE like it this way" then look to your children who will surely be looking at you somewhat confused, and nodding at them smile and say, "huh boys" getting them to join your stand against sabotage, then you can face grandma and add; "at least until after dinner, because that's when we like to tuck all our toys in for the night"..."but until then nothing goes into the toy box, unless the boy's decide THEY want to put something into the toy box, or choose to put THEIR things away, it is a free for all and the toys only come out of the toy box"..."but if you don't like it grandma, YOU can put our stuff away."
sure you might be the topic of family conversation for a while but with this spreading news will come less visitors, and probably a whole bunch of offers to help you out...and heck take advantage of their concern and generosity, it will make them feel good let someone drop off a home cooked meal one night a week, and another pick up a couple of loads of laundry on another night of the week, and why not let one of the others do your weekly grocery shopping on yet another night of the week. but thank them and deny their offers after about the third or fourth week,you don't want to be greedy or take advantage of those you truly do love and care for and besides with all the extra time you've had with your boys after three or four weeks, you will have just about gained every step back they sabotaged of your progress. by allowing them the opportunity help out with those time and energy draining chores that would have and could have done on your own without incident, you can involve them in your lives without involving them in your lives...they'll feel good, you'll feel good, your boy's, and they are the most important here, will feel good...everybody feels good. so why not put your foot down, and then for three or four weeks put your feet up, except for after dinner, the one time in your day YOU choose to help YOUR boys pick up their toys.