I had tons of it and it smelled. I took herbs and it went away. God bless! J.
Hello Mommies- I had a c section 10 weeks ago and am still having a clear discharge. No blood. It isn't always the same amount but at times I can fill a pad in a span of an hour or two. My Dr says its normally especially since I am breastfeeding. But I don't know. Has anyone else experienced this?!
I had tons of it and it smelled. I took herbs and it went away. God bless! J.
when you say your dr do you mean you ob or your family phs? I had very little discharge and was healed by 10 weeks no open area at all. and this was my second cut i had a very large ovarian cyst removed at 24. I found that i healed really quick even though i was BF. talk to your dr again at 10 weeks you should be healed up. keep your activity down.
Hello there, I had three c-sections and I never had any clear dischareges, but it was pinkish for a week and it bacame kind of brownish for another week and then it was gone and I have been breastfeeding. Try to schedule an appointment w/another ob just see what she will say about it and to make sure that everything is fine.
Im a c-section mommy also, 3 of them actually. I dont think you need to worry. I experienced the same thing. Just watch for any change in color or smell. Take care and congratulations. V