I've also been happy with Time Warner. LOVE the DVR. We have a cable/ phone/ internet package with them and have never had any problems.
I love the DVR because it provides so much flexibility. I can record things that I want to see when the kids are in bed- or sometimes there is a movie on that they like, but it doesn't end until 10:00. I just record it, and they watch it the next day.
I also like to record shows for my kids because that way they don't have to see the commercials- we just fast forward right through them. I get so sick of Viagra commercials! We could be watching the Andy Griffith Show, and a flippin' Viagra commercial will pop up! Hate that! When I was a kid, my parents didn't have to worry about commercials in the daytime. It was just a bunch of Parkay, Wonder bread, and "don't squeeze the Charmin" commercials.
We also like to rent movies on demand every once in a while.