LM, My baby has reflux too. I feel your pain!! It is so hard to know what to do when your baby is in a backwards "C" screeming her head off- wanting comfort by feeding every 40-90 minutes including nighttime, not sleeping, and no end in sight. I had to decide to be my childs advocate! You are that babys only voice. The doctors and other people who think you are imagining it have absolutely no idea what you are going thru and should simply SHUT UP!!!
Talk w/ your doctor again! Talk to a different one if that Dr is unwilling to help. Your baby needs something more. Don't let them say he will grow out of it, or that they want to wait for ... Ultimately you know your baby and when he is in pain. Write it down when he is having pain and show that to your Doc. Maybe proof will help the doctor to give you the referal.
I finally, after 6 mos of cring to the peditrician of my childs pain, got a test done on my daughter. It prooved that she did have reflux and now we are going to a Ped GI speciality doctor- Dr Yazdi. He is here in Colorado Springs.
I would say that when your baby is not wanting to eat that he is having an episode of reflux. Burp him. This will put him upright and help the acid in his tummy to go down and stay in the stomache. Some babies seem to like being on their bellys. NOT mine but try lying him on his belly on an incline (head up). The gentle pressure on their tummy helps the acid to stay in the stomache.
I have found that when my daughter is hiccuping, burping and then swollowing, coughing, swollowing randomly, spitting up - these are all times that she is refluxing. All which cause pain. We were on Zantac 1 ml twice a day at 4 weeks old- the Dr upped it when she was 5 mos old to 2 mls twice a day. They only upped the Rx because I was still crying to them (litterally) about my childs pain. Then at her 6 mos check up they switched her Rx to Prevacid and gave me the referal to Dr Yazdi. She is definetly happier but still in pain and not sleeping well. I am hopeful that Yazdi will help us somehow.
Good luck and know you are not alone.