Differentiating Between Braxton Hicks and True Contractions

Updated on May 03, 2011
M.R. asks from Olathe, KS
7 answers

Wednesday night I was having several contractions an hour, anywhere from 4-7. I just thought they were the braxton hicks kind and assumed this was normal. I had some of these with my first pregnancy. I am 26 weeks. I was having them while resting on the couch and was well hydrated. Talked to my gf next day and she said if having more than 4 an hour I needed to call ob. So I called and they had.me come into the hospital to get on a monitor. I had 3-4 during the hour they monitored me. The nurse did check me and said I was fingertip dilated. No uti. Sent home with instructions for rest, no intercourse, empty bladder and hydrate. Saw ob next day. Said fingertip dilation not that uncommon just have common sense.about exertion, exercise, etc. I didn't really ask this question, but how do I know the.difference btwn braxton hicks and true peterm labor? Kinda freaked out now. I have a 3 year old so its not like I can hang put on my left side all day. Also, my lower left abdomen is very tender to the touch and has been throughout pregnancy. Could this be something other than round ligaments pain? I feel like that's what most pains in pregnancy are chalked up to and I just.don't want to overlook it. Thanks and sorry for typos. I hate.autocorrect sometimes.

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answers from Dallas on

In my personal experience the difference between them is braxon hicks go away and come back days or hours later. Labor contractions do not go away. They start and they dont stop and they gradually get worse. When labor contractions start they dont go away no matter what your doing until you have the baby. Braxton hicks normally subside when walking or laying on your side. :-) Congrats and take it easy. I have a 2 yr old and a 7 month old so I know whatcha mean about not being able to chill before this baby comes. :-)

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answers from Honolulu on

I had braxson hicks for 6 months straight! The difference is the pain level, consistency, and intensity. Braxson hicks are annoying but you are not double over in pain. Hicks are not exactly the same time apart each time, instead they are 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 6 minutes ect... real labor is consistent on times apart. With my hicks I would notice that the right side would sometimes hick but not the right (or the left, or the top, or the bottom) real labor will have all the muscles tightening up.

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answers from St. Louis on

The only way I could tell the difference when I went into labor was by timing the duration between them. My braxton hicks were random. I'd have one, 10 minutes later I'd have another, then 30 minutes later I'd have another, etc. There wasn't a pattern to them. When I actually went into labor I had back labor and was having contractions every 2 minutes but I actually only felt them every 10 and they felt EXACTLY like my braxton hicks contractions. I didn't know I was in active labor for almost two hours (even with my water breaking cause it wasn't the big gush like I imagined). I really just questioned it because I started noticing after an hour that I could time when I would feel the pinch in my back. Went to the bathroom, saw the mess from the water breaking and when I got to the hospital to check my dilation, it was about 10 minutes after that that I felt the pain of real contractions. So really I would time them if your not sure.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Considering that you are only 26 weeks, I would take anything at the intensity you described (4-7) seriously. Rest right away when you feel the first one (you can lie down where the 3 year old is playing or something). If they don't go away right away or get stronger, call the OB. If it ends up being preterm labor, the earlier they catch it the more likely they are to stop it. I would say, better be safe and take precautions than risk it.

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answers from Lincoln on

I never have understood the difference either! with my first I was having contractions @ 26 weeks that I couldn't even feel! so that's I don't get how are you supposed to know the difference! I agree if you have any concerns you are better to err on the side of caution and get it checked out!



answers from Honolulu on

I agree with Julia N.

Also, my daughter was 3, when I was pregnant with my 2nd child.
At her age, I could, explain to her that Mommy has to take care of my tummy, that I need to rest, the Doctor said I need to rest, that sometimes I simply cannot run around, etc.
I simply included her into, my pregnancy and explained in simple ways, what 'phases' I will go through as my tummy gets bigger and her baby brother grows in my tummy.
She understood like a champ.
So... when I had to rest or was too fatigued or had a hard time or had Braxton Hicks... I simply, would give her a head's up.
We'd even nap together. She'd like to rub my tummy and talk to her baby brother in my tummy and sing to it etc. Therefore, it was a COOPERATIVE thing, between us- we bonded that way, she bonded with her baby brother already (instead of just after he came home from the hospital), and she had formed a 'relationship' with him, her baby brother already. And it helped me, because since I explained to her... she was understanding.

So, that is what I would recommend. A 3 year old, needs to be explained to, gently/kindly/simply, what Mommy is needing to do too, for her tummy and baby.

My daughter, never felt left out that way and she was very understanding about it all.

Do not over strain yourself.



answers from St. Louis on

I had preterm labor starting at 22 weeks with my second child. What was explained to me was that a true contraction the whole stomach gets hard. Like pressing on the bridge of your nose. A braxton hicks only part gets hard. Mine were true contractions and they didn't hurt. Just felt the tightening of my stomach. So don't mess around. I ended up spending a month in the hospital and when I was released I was contracting every three minutes and dialted to 4. I was so worried I wouldn't make it back to the hospital in time. I stayed that way for 10 days before we finally delivered and we did make it to the hospital. Best of luck to you!

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