REALLY depends.
Height, weight, age, activity level, medical conditions.
There's no "Stock" answer (hint: one reason -amongst many- why group fad diets work for some but not most... is that they try and take something true for a small group of people... and apply it to everyone. It's bad science. With predictably bad results.).
My personal recommendation is NOT to change your diet right now, since you're trying to find causes/triggers in your existing diet.
Once you've done that OR right now if you really want to...
Work with a nutritionist.
They'll be able to work with you on a case by case basis, take into account ALL of your life (including medical needs, since celiacs need different diets than people without celiacs... literally... not just 'no wheat/etc.' but different levels of iron, etc.), and work out a way of eating that's right for YOU.
You may need 8,000 calories a day with a 40/40/10 split in basic nutrient load (proteins, carbs, lipids) or 20/60/20, or 50/10/40... or a 1,000 calorie a day diet with a 90/5/5 split.
And everything in between.
Nutrition is reeeeeeeeeally variable based on need.