my dear, you need some starch in your spine.
it sounds as if you've already abdicated parenting in favor of 'peace in the house', which is counterproductive, and now you want help because of people judging you negatively for waffling about with his schools.
if you've got a rebellious teenager who's content with terrible grades, your chances for peace in the house over the next several years are already dashed.
give up that unicorn dream and instead turn your energies to belatedly figuring out your son. by the time he's 14 you should have a pretty good grasp on what kind of learner he is, what sorts of things motivate him, and how to engage him. if you're still in the dark, then make your study of him your main job.
my kids DID get a say in how and where they schooled, but they didn't have the final word. my younger did not want to homeschool, and i made sure i listened to his reasons, and explained mine simply but carefully for overruling him. he was unhappy for the first few months (and yes, i was knotted up inside hoping i was doing the right thing) but it ended up being a good gamble.
you need to dispassionately consider your son's needs, his future goals and his personality, you need to discuss it with him, and ultimately you need to send him to the school you think is best for him.
for me it would never be an option to give a teenager an ultimatum like 'no more applying for choice schools because you moved once.' there's a balance between leaping wildly between choices, and giving one choice a really good try, and everyone's line will differ to some degree. figure out how much flexibility you can live with, but don't rule out ALL flexibility.
you've got an adult teetering on the edge here. now is not the time to zone out and crave peace. you need to forget being popular with him OR these random people judging you, and do what's best for this child at this time.
be his mom.