I never used a diaper pail, though I use disposables. I wish I could have dealt with the cloth diapers....(more story there than I want to go into here.)
Anyway, I find if you take the diapers out often enough, I don't have a problem with the stink.
I tried two methods: Keeping the trash bag shut tight, and just letting stay open.
Leaving it open lets you smell the initial poop stink, but that fades after awhile. When you leave it closed, you get less of the initial poop stink, but the anaerobic bacteria must build up, because over time, it stinks worse than leaving it open.
Bottom line, if I tie up the trash bag, I have to take it out to the garbage once a day to keep the smell out, if I leave it open, and deal with the initial poop stink, I can take it out twice a week and be fine. But this is for only one child in diapers.