My daughter hates having her diaper changed. In fact, on the list of the Top Ten Things That Hazel Hates, it's #1,2,3 and 4. Then it's peas, vacuum cleaner, high chairs, throwing up and owies!
Anyway, here's what I do to generally avoid the tantrum. (It should be noted it only works at home and if you have time to do it.) If the distraction ideas haven't worked and you don't have another adult around to put the baby in the WWF chokehold (only kidding, folks!):
1) get dirty diaper off child. Don't attempt to restrain the kiddo - diapers come off just as easily when kiddos are standing.
2) If you can, encourage Kiddo to throw away his own diaper after you've carefully bundled it up into a neat little package. Note: this only works if a) he knows where the garbage can is and b) there isn't much to distract him between the site of changing and the garbage can.
3) If diaper is poopy, attempt to wipe child's bottom while they're on the move. Use your Nintendo Duck Hunt skills and attempt to hit that moving target! Warning: You may not get the cleanest bottom but it'll be cleaner than it was! You can save the deep clean for a time when there's another adult around to help you.
4) Once bottom has been wiped, let them be naked for a while so they forget that the changing of the diaper was ever in the plans. Once you've lulled them into this false sense of security, change that diaper! If you can do it while he's standing (it's possible) or use a pull-up (it's quicker) all the better.
In all seriousness, the main thing is to make diaper changing a non-event. Remember that toddlers, which your little guy is, hate to be restrained from exploring their environment, even for the two minutes it takes to change a diaper. Two minutes may not seem like a long time to us but to a toddler it's the equivalent of a millennium. Plus, toddlers are all about learning their independence and using it. Having their diaper changed takes away some of that freedom that they so desperately cherish.
I have found that, with Hazel, if I just keep it simple and work with her instead of against her, it goes a lot smoother.
Good luck!