try craigslist.com sometimes they have private owners renting homes/ condos.
Hi Moms,
I have been sharing a house with a friend for the past 2 years and now we both have young children plus pets so its too crowded. Our lease is up at the end of July and we are not going to renew so I have to find my own place. My credit is horrible due to some financial problems I had a few years ago and I can't find an apt complex that will lease to me. I am looking for something in the North Scottsdale/Paradise Valley area. Does anyone have any suggestions or know of someone looking to rent out their condo etc for around $700 a month? I am super stressed right now and REALLY appreciate the help!
try craigslist.com sometimes they have private owners renting homes/ condos.
I saw that someone else already suggested craigslist.com there you can see about sub-leasing or you might be able to find another single mom to live with. I just had gone through the same issue because my sister bought a house and we decided not to continue living together. I was able to stay at my same apartment complex just move over to a 2 bedroom versus the three bedroom I had before. I looked on craigslist and there ws a single mom to a 3 and 7 year old in the north scottsdale area in a large home already furished rooms and all and it was I think $750 though. This was just about 1 1/2 weeks ago iit was listed. Also I would suggest roommates.com they are great to work with usually. Best of luck to and keep your head up even though it seems hard. Hope this helps!!!
You can try One step Closer at www.1stepcloser.net or###-###-####. They have many programs, but they helped us out with rental history repair after our eviction. Also try Apartment Hunters at www.ah-az.com. We rent our home from them despite our credit as well. I just hope you get a place soon from some place that is best for you and your baby. wish you the best!
Go to EZRENTALS.ORG they have a number on there call and they will work with you. No credit check and work with your deposit.