Hi S.,
I don't know if this will help but I have two children ages 3 and 6 months. My son was two weeks late, I never had a contraction, and as he was approaching 10 lbs, I had a c-section. My daughter was a scheduled c-section because of the dangers of v-back after c, plus I had gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. However at 37 weeks, and two days before the scheduled section (early because of the conditions I mentioned) my water broke (no contractions) and then I had another c-section. All I can think of is what women would have done a hundred years ago to have a procedure like a c-section available. Chances are their lives and those of their children would have been gravely in danger. I'm just thankful that medicine has given me the opportunity to be a mom to two incredible kids even though my body didn't want to cooperate. I hope that maybe this different perspective might allay your feelings of self-hatred and know that being able to be a great mother now is the best outcome of all.