As a teenager, there was a mom who did this. We were on the cheer squad with her daughter. She was a younger mom (younger than anyone elses) she got into our business and was completely inappropriate. Granted it was High school and while at first it was kind of nice having a "parent" who was like a kid. . . pretty soon it got to be annoying and none of the girls wanted to be around her or talk to her any longer.
that said, my mother continued to be a typical mom offering solid advice and she even started tempering my time at this girl's house. She offered more events at our home, movie nights, patio parties, etc. It was nice because it removed this meddling momma from our hair and we realized how much fun we had without her.
So my suggestions:1. offer dauthger and friends a crazy fun alternative 2. continue to be a mom and offer solid wisdom/advice (because that is what kids really want/need) 3. Try not to make a huge issue out of it because it will run its course.