Boundaries, rules, you know the usual routine.
Next, is not giving in to her, if she refuses to stop something... then you can stop it for her. Put her in time out. If she tantrums, let her. Because, although irritating, a child WILL DEFLATE on their own. And while she is tantruming do not say anything, do not engage, just say "when you calm down.. let me know." Then when she does calm down, talk to her, calmly.
Have you tried toy time-outs? taking away her toys... and not returning them to her until she earns it back etc.
Next children will be children. They don't have full impulse control. If she is doing something that is just playing around and not actually "naughty" then perhaps allow her moment of being a silly kid. Within reason and safety.
The more you yell, the more she will. And this is what she will learn. Kids learn by modeling, and copying.
Tell her "Mommy is upset because..."
TEACH her that this is FAMILY... a family means being a "TEAM" and HELPING each other... TEACH her role in that... because as time goes by and she gets older, if she does not understand this concept... she will just grow up without respect for that.
Reasoning with a child, does not always work. So you state your rules/consequences and STICK to it. Regardless of tantrums. YOU last longer than she does... then when she deflates you have her apologize.
Does she know "manners?" Teach her.
Give her a lead time and head's-up... before you want her to stop something. ie: "in 5 minutes, you need to stop..." and set an egg timer. Kids need a transition time to switch gears, or sometimes they can't wind-down.
Have her nap. it helps the disposition of a child.
Make sure she eats healthily. Junk food makes cranky kids.
Also, change YOUR tone of voice and way of talking... because this will affect a child. "I" have learned, that when I am in a rush and preoccupied, my own tone of voice can sound real "tense" and it irks my kids. SO... I have had to readjust my way of talking TOO. Kids, are 'reactors' and they REACT to Mommy too, and get irked.
3 is not an easy age.
But, it is the time when they need to know boundaries and rules. Perhaps, make a "schedule" for her... and a cute chart with picture on the wall. Give her "CHORES" to do that are age appropriate. The point being, not that she do it perfectly... but that she HELPS in the family... and learns how that can make her feel important etc.
If you are at your wits end... tell her. Tell her Mommy needs to rest. Then do so and just sit in a chair. Tell her to give you a moment. This will teach her respect and that Mommy has feelings too. I have on occasion done that with my kids... then I have found that they will after reflecting about it and looking at me ALL POOPED out... that they actually came up to me, in my lap and said "Sorry Mommy... I didn't mean to upset you..." Kids learn that way, too.
Are you a single Mom or you have a Husband? You NEED a break too, to regroup. So tell Hubby, if you have one. HE should be watching her too so you can have a break. Or if not, ask a close friend or relative to help you babysit.
A child, has to learn, that they are a PART of the family.... that we do not revolve around them. At a certain age... it can be taught to them.
The book: "How to talk so kids will listen, and listen so kids will talk" is great. Also "Your 3 Year Old" is a good book series too. Both are from Amazon or any bookstore.
All the best, I know it ain't easy, I have 2 kids and sometimes they do that at the SAME time!
But yelling does not work... it just makes the child more irked and then they don't bond with you.... it causes a bad habit.