Make sure to rotate food. It is so easy to just grab whatever is on top. We have some of our water storage at the bottom of ours. I figure if the power goes out the bottles of ice will help keep it cold -- and it helps lift the food so I don't have to fish it off the bottom.
We sometimes use boxes or plastic grocery bags to organize our food. You could do it by date -- attach some kind of tag with the date the food in that bag was purchased. We organize by type of food -- one bag for packages of frozen peas, one for frozen corn, one for bags of mixed veggies... a bag for pork, a bag for chicken, a bag for quick fix frozen meals...
When we need to get something near the bottom, we can just move a few grocery bags instead of 20-30 individual packages. We also try to keep things in the same general area since we have 3-4 people in the house who might be cooking. It helps to know the turkeys are on the bottom at the right-hand side, chicken bottom-middle-front, etc. We pretty much have the meats and frozen Rhodes rolls on the bottom; veggies, cheese, convenience meals on top.