Decongestants dehydrate you, and so do colds. You need to triple your fluid intake throughout the day and avoid anything with caffeine. I don't know if you are drinking coffee while nursing but even cola drinks and some "natural" teas have caffeine which causes dehydration. Definitely use a Neti pot (available at health food stores and some pharmacies) with warm salt water. It flushes out your nasal passages and sinuses - it's a little weird feeling but totally safe. You'll feel full at first but then blow your nose and a lot of "junk" will come out! If you use Reliv products, you can make an awesome anti-inflammation remedy of the hydrating sports drink Innergize and the joint-health Arthaffect product. Use warm water but not boiling, and drink up. Totally safe for nursing moms, kids, elderly, etc., and both have US patents so quality and purity are guaranteed. The Innergize is great for the plane - you can take the powder onto the plane and then add water when you are ready to drink it. Planes can be very drying because of the recirculated air, so definitely add more when you are traveling and right afterwards. My friend is a flight attendant and was always sick with sinus infections, but now she has nothing!!