DD=darling daughter
DS=darling son
DH=darling hubby
The D can also be replaced with d*mn, depending on the message, lol!
I see so many responses and questions that use DD, DS, or DH. Please excuse my ignorance, but what does this stand for/mean?
DD=darling daughter
DS=darling son
DH=darling hubby
The D can also be replaced with d*mn, depending on the message, lol!
Or the darling is replaced with dear as in DH - dear husband, dear daughter etc.. that's how I know it.
Okay, I'm just laughing my tail off at Jo's response and think the SAME thing!
GD = granddaughter
GS - grandson
SS = stepson
SD - stepdaughter
Jo W you are my kind of gal!
DD - darling daughter
DS - darling son
DH - darling husband
LOL - laugh out loud
TTC - trying to conceive
SAHM/SAHD - stay at home mom/dad
SWH - So What Happened
ETA - edited to add
OP - original poster
MP - Mamapedia
ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
stbx - (I just saw this one for the first time yesterday) - soon-to-be-ex
There are a lot more that I can't think of right now.
Thank you! I feel like such a big dummy, because I even took shorthand in business school, and use abbreviations in various jobs, which carry over to my shopping lists. I have no clue what half of them mean on MamaPedia!
*hugs to you* Too bad we can't flower questions we think are so awesome!
BTW, Jo W, I adore you so much! Your responses give me such delicious gigglefits!