Laws were enacted to protect others from what happened to US... but here's our story:
We had about 20k in debt that we paid off yearly (school fees/tuition for 3 people, living over the summer... essentially we just got cash a couple of months *after* we needed it every year... and waiting a year doesn't work... because you don't get the grants, loans, & scholarships unless you're enrolled, etc). For 5 years we'd accrued between 12 & 20k each year, and by each May, it was paid off. Anyhow. 20k was on our cards.
We had over 130k in free/available credit.
Crunch hit... and the CC's dropped out limit to BELOW our balance. ALL charged us fees. In total over 10k in "penalties". The 10k had to be paid in full THAT MONTH or we'd be considered not having met minimums. We had to borrow more money (took out a loan through the bank), but not fast enough for one of the cards. Because one was not paid off in full, through universal default, ALL of our 4 cards (previously at 4.9 - 8.9 interest -we had near perfect credit), jumped to 29.99 percent interest. In 3 months time we had over 60k in debts WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME. (usurious interest + even more penalty fees). ((the 4 cards, btw, were mine, dh's, school expenses, and "emergency"... school held the most, emergency was for things like a new $800 radiator when the engine overheats, mine was for my personal credit and ditto H's)).
60k in debt. We hadn't spent 40k of it. Not a penny. Not a dime. Over $2500 a month to meet a "minimum". More fees and penalties when we couldn't meet the minimum.
Sounds illegal, doesn't it? It wasn't. And months of phonecalls, no one would work with us. Not at all. Nor would they work with a lawyer. (Debt consolidation would only have lowered it to 2k a month, still soooooo not doable. We HAD been paying 500 a month, more double our minimums)
We were forced to declare bankruptcy (ch13, so we wouldn't lose our house).
So credit or debit? Debit. 100%