This may sound silly but we went to the store and bought a bottle of "monster spray". It was really window cleaner that I emptied out and put water in. The lady at the store played along with us and said this will keep all monsters away. We sprayed the house with our monster spray. My son keeps it in his room at night and if he thinks he sees a monster he sprays the monster and it disappears. I also have created good monsters in our house. We have tickle monster and pinch your butt monster that makes my son laugh. Sometimes he hears a noise at night and I just explain to him that the tickle monster had to go potty or something silly like that and he goes right back to sleep. The good monsters are fun and help keep out the bad monsters too. Sounds silly but it has worked for my 4 year old. Just remember that in a little ones mind monsters are real. Good Luck!!!!