There is good dazing and bad dazing. It would be impossible for me to tell you which your child is doing without numerous observations.
What I can tell you is that his teacher mentioned this not to alarm you but to let you know that she recognizes it. That is a teacher's job.
Throughout the year she will observe these dazing episodes and if it is something that requires further evaluation she will set up a meeting with you and tell you "Remmeber when I told you he was dazing. Well I'd like to refer him for further testing because..."
Or after several more months of development in your child she will contact you and say "Your child has grown so much over the year and his dazing has stopped and he is successful.
I really resent when parents make comments like in the previous reponse about the teacher's age or comments of the like. That just shows me how ignorant and disrespectful people are about educators.
We go school for a long time and study hard so we can do what is best for your children. If there is a developmental issue with your child it is not the teacher's fault or the parent's for that matter. It is part of who the child is and we work very hard tailoring lessons to meet those children's needs. That post was uncalled for.
I am sure your son is just fine. But you should be grateful that he has a teacher who is looking out for him and has his best interest in mind.
If you need anything further I am here to help. My best to you and your son.