Hi. For the last several nights, I began pushing (14 mths.)Bella's bedtime forward an hour from 630 to 730, so it would be 630 when we turned our clocks back. She usually would sleep at least ten hours before she got up to BF and recently she's been only sleeping nine hours and getting up at the same time in the morning. No matter what time I put her down to bed, she alwaysss gets up around 5-530am for her feeding. Then, she goes back down too until about 7am-715am.
So, I didn't know what to do, if I should just revert back to her original bedtime, but that would mean putting her to bed at 530pm! Then, this afternoon she took an unheard nap of 3 hoursss!!!! Her naps range from 1-1.5 hrs and she only takes one as of a month ago. So, now I'm thinking she's trying to adjust to the new time. I'm going to wait a few days and see how long her naps are and her bedtime as well and see if she's getting enough sleep like she did before the clocks turned back. Basically, I'm going to play it by ear and keep track of her hours of total sleep for the day and take it from there. I just wish we didn't have to deal with the time chaning...grrr..they sure didn't think of us moms when they were doing this! haha.
Good Luck,