I'm currently teaching preschool, and was a former toddler teacher at a daycare and yes, I provided a full curriculum in both settings. Even as a nanny, I always had two or three craft activities prepped and waiting in the wings, as well as other activities. Children need the stimulation and they need to learn.
I'm not sure which age group you are working with, but one wonderful book I rely on is called "Preschool Art" by MaryAnn Koh. This book gives mostly open-ended process (not product/project) oriented activities, as well as the standard minimum appropriate age for each one, and is divided into seasons.
In my case, I run an almost 4 hour program and offer: Gathering (circle time); a Free Play time where our blocks/building area, our housekeeping area, puzzles and library area are available, and there's usually some sort of designated activity du jour at the big school table; we also have a planned art activity daily; rotating sensory play ( in a big bin) is available ( think rice, beans, water); storytime with a book which ties in to our curriculum theme and time outdoors. My group does a lot of gardening and sandbox play.
If you have a daily routine established ( a must for home daycares), you can decide which times of day you want to introduce these activities, and then make them a part of the day. When I provided nanny and full-day care (with my toddler group), most of our time was spent in Free Play mode, with areas which contained various age-appropriate choices. Children could come in and out of activities as they liked, and were just asked to help at cleanup times throughout the day.
You can also look online --it's tremendously easy to google "April flower preschool activities" and have a lot of stuff come up. I do augment this way, but mostly follow an emergent curriculum style of planning based on the natural world and seasons and following the children's interests and piggybacking on their questions and ideas for experiments, which requires some flexibility. Today we were supposed to plant peas, but it's rainy and the ground is too soggy, so we took a puddle walk instead. Think "Flexible"!
Hope this helps a bit.