Is constantly beating yourself up with guilt supporting you in being a better mom? Is banging your head up against the wall of "I should be there more." supporting you in being less stressed? Is it absolutely true that you "should be there more"? Does the "Supermom" exist? Isn't it true that we often have to make tough decisions and they often create a less than "perfect" situation?
Instead of continuously berating yourself and worrying about the "what ifs", what would it look like if you just sat down and looked at "what is"? If you allowed yourself the tenderness and care to release "what it should look like", you would then be left with what is. "What is" allows you to then make choices that will benefit you most. In some ways, you are already doing this with your choices about when and how you are spending time with your daughter.
Can you take the next step and really understand that guilt is not serving you. All the guilt is doing is creating more stress which will create distance and even illness. Your "guilt" is about not wanting it to look like it does-that there is something "wrong" with your choice. Maybe, maybe not. Who is defining that it is wrong? What difference does it make?
Clinging to the belief that your choice is wrong is clearly painful for you. What if your choice was just your choice and at any moment in time you had more choices? Instead of the idea that your choices should be judged and therefore lead to reward or punishment; what if your choices were simply creating experiences that lead to more choices?
Be gentle and loving with yourself. Beating yourself up only leaves you bruiesed. Appreciate your challenges. Acknowledge your ability to make choices that are best within the situations you have. Give yourself space to learn and grow from this. Know that at any time you can make new decisions. Be willing to let go of the absurd idea of perfection. Allow for fluidilty in your choices and know that no one choice is forever.