How old is the baby? In the very early weeks (birth to around 5 or 6 weeks) it is very common for them to have eratic sleep patterns and sleep more during the day than at night , and I am pretty certain that you can't do anything about it at that point. As they get a little older (6+ weeks) it becomes easier to start getting them into a "kind of" routine as they start to wake and feed at regular times. The same for the nursing aswell , you need to nurse on demand as their stomachs are so small that they cannot take much in 1 feed , so this is why they need to feed so often , formula fed babies can go longer between feeds sooner than a breastfed baby , but they still feed every 2-3 hrs to start with. Common growth spurts are around 6 wks then 9 or 12 wks , there are other spurts aswell but they do slow down , but a lot of growth happens from birth to 3 months , they grow ALOT in that period of time.