I think what the other post is talking about is the Nuby cups, at walmart.
We stopped my daughter cold turkey too. For a few weeks she only drank a sip of fluid here and there, but after a while she began to drink more. Still to this day, she doesn't drink much milk like she used to when she was on the bottle.
However, children know when they are thirsty, and she will drink. Keep offering her different fluids. A sip here and there will add up by the end of the day. As long as she is active and healthy, she will not starve or dehydrate herself to the brink.
A sign of dehydration: How many wet diapers per day?
Another tip is, give her popsicles or jello. Freeze juice into popsicles and give it to her like that.
Don't worry, she will eventually drink more and more. As long as she is healthy and active, that is the bottom line. Call her pediatrician to reassure yourself, it never hurts. Good luck.