I would turn all the lights off except for her night light; there may be too much light making it difficult to fall asleep. However, this is what worked for us (most nights): Ask your daughter if she wants to play a game. When she falls for playing a game at bed time (all kids love games especially a bed time), take 2 playing cards (we used jokers from an extra deck) and show them to your daughter. Get real excited and put emphasis on trying to "win the game". Explain that the cards will be under her pillow. If she gets out of bed, she has to give you a card. But, if there is a card in her bed in the morning she can trade it in for a treat. At first have the treat be something really tempting; for my daughter it was 3 m&m's. If she stays in bed all night make a big deal of her winning the game and staying in bed. You can start with any number of cards that you would like; if she's real young you may want to start with say 3 cards and over a period of time reduce the number of cards you give her. You have to be consistent though; some nights she might use all her cards and be terribly upset when you take the last card away, but that's part of the game and she'll start realizing that she doesn't win if she doesn't save those cards. When someone gave me this idea, I thought they were crazy and that my daughter was too young to get the concept. Trust me, they pick up on this pretty quick and this worked so much better than expected. Good luck!