My son has really bad eczema. What your daughter is experiencing is similar to his symptoms. Poor lil things! I hate to see him scratch!
1. Try a warm mist humidifier. There is an awesome one made by "Vicks", I bought it at Target for about $20.00. The great thing about this one is that you do not need a filter. They can get nasty and you have to change them frequently.
2. Believe it or not, try giving her a bath every day and follow up with Eucerin lotion from head to toe. Most people do not think you should bathe everyday if you have eczema but in fact, it is the opposite. Sometimes if he is really bad, we bathe him twice a day. You really do not even have to use soap. If you do use soap, try the Aveeno one that is for babies - light blue cap and label. It is specially designed for sensitive skin.
3. You can even use a low % hydrocortizone cream on the areas. Put a very thin layer on her skin.
4. All detergent with nothing added. You do not have to use Dreft, use the free and clear products.
5. Aquaphor is great if the skin is actually cracked. It really helps heal the skin and keeps it moist.
Everything I am telling you came directly from his Dermatologist and Allergist/Immunologist. He is 2 and has had skin problems since day one. He has good days and bad days. Usually his skin improves in the summer. I know this sounds like alot but every little bit seems to help. Good luck!!!!