sounds like the same behavior (different version) of what my 3 year old daughter does. sometimes she hits, but she's started to poke me in the face now when I'm down on her level disciplining her. she also does some kind of weird noise, she tenses up her whole body and face and grunts really loud. whatever I'm saying to her at the time of discipline, she repeats it word for word back to me (example "this is your one warning, you do it again, you are getting a time out") she yells it right back to me like she's going to give ME a time out. I just have to follow through and be consistent with a punishment. every time. I don't show weakness or back down. I am the disciplinarian in the house, my husband refuses to have anything to do with it. So it is hard for me. I can feel your pain, trust me! My daughter is sweet one minute and mean the next. She'll do something mean and then the next day apologize for it! it's craziness really. But i think it's pretty normal for this age. I think in my mind the most important thing for me to remember is that it's just a phase and I have to be consistent with my discipline and follow through with my warnings of punishment. I always make sure to explain afterwards why she got a time out and make sure she understands, then give kisses and hugs. some days I have meltdowns right along with her. it's very hard at times. She may scream and cry the whole time out, and we might have bad days where she gets a time out 10 times, but I know she is learning and all my hard work will pay off eventually. at least i hope so! anyway, I just wanted to let you know you aren't the only one going through this.