That is actually a pretty good amount and not something I'd worry about. It often takes til about 18 months to get to the point where they eat three toddler size meals a day. If she is either nursing or taking formula in addition to the solids, I'd be pretty comfortable at that level.
My son was also very dairy intolerant so he was unable to have anything dairy based for several years, he just started doing well with yogurt at the age of five. Remember that some cultures do not use a milk of another species at all! All the nutrients in milk are available in other foods. If the baby is nursing four times a day, there's no need at all for any other milk or milk substitute.
My babies didn't like spoon feeding either and I really think self feeding is the way to go because you know for sure they are ready and will self regulate their intake. It's important that they are allowed to feel and respond to their own hunger/fullness signals, it encourages healthy eating habits later on. I would simply continue to offer a healthy variety of toddler foods, with no expectations, and let her decide how much she wants to take.