She may not have a learning disability, but she may very well have ADHD or ADD. ADHD or ADD are not considered learning disabilities. The ability to learn is there, they just need help keeping focused on the task. There are many forms that ADHD or ADD can show itself. Some are too hyper to sit still and do their work, others are in a day dream world and find it too much trouble to focus and try. It is not that they are not smart enough to do the work but rather they have problems focusing on the work.
I was considered ADD with daydreaming. I am easily distracted with what is going on around me and find myself thinking about other things instead of focusing on the task ahead. Teachers called me lazy for years until a Doctor diagnosed and treated me. After that I did quite well in school.
Is ADHD a disability?:
Questionnaire on ADD:
Questionnaire on ADHD
Just for the record, I have ADD, my brother has ADD, my mom has ADHD, and my oldest son has ADHD. My mom and my son are currently taking medication. I am a stay at home mom and see no need for it at this time in my life. My brother should be on medication but is not. He would loose his head if it was not attached.