Daughter Hardly Goes to the Bathroom During the Day

Updated on March 04, 2007
S.W. asks from Lone Tree, IA
11 answers

My daughter has been potty-trained since she was about 2 1/2 yrs she is now nearing 3. She used to go in and frequently use the potty. Now she rarely uses it and gets mad when I try to get her to. She holds it for long periods of time every once in a while she will have an accident. At night she wears a diaper just for our convenience. It is usually completely full in the morning. I have tried talking to her about listening to her body and she said she wants to wait to go to the bathroom in her diaper at night. Any tips to get her to go? Should I get rid of the diaper at night? Is it bad for her to not got to the bathroom for long amounts of time?

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So What Happened?

Sorry I took so long to tell what happened. I finally got brave enough to go without the diaper at night (I never tried before) and she was completely dry all night and did not wake up. I think she has been ready for that for a while. As for the holding it all day I increased her liquid intake, got more exciting things for the bathroom for her (toilet wipes, special soap etc) and basically I just tried to let her do her own thing. She's very stubborn and I knew focusing on it would make her more defiant. I also think it was a stage too. Thanks for all the helpful advice!

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answers from Boise on

Hello my name is M.. I just want you to know that I have been through that too with both of my childrens. I found out that it is not good to hold it for a long period of time due to the fact that it can damge her bladder and intenes too. My suggestion is to slowing fade out the diapers use a plastic sheet on the bed and that should help. ANy question feel free to email me.

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answers from Des Moines on

I think someone else said this too. But I'd get rid of the diaper at night. It's enabling her to use it as a crutch. Yes, It may make it more work for you, but it won't last long.

You can get a plastic sheet and pad to put on the mattress to confine the mess mostly to the top sheet. Also, if you have her clean up the mess, it'll make more impact not to do it.

I would also flush lots of water through her so she has to go. Generally speaking about 30 minutes after each meal she should have to go to the bathroom.

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answers from Great Falls on

Give her lots of fluids. She seems to be making the whole deal a power struggle for her and her parents. Give her fluids and leave underware on. Not diapers. If she's still wetting at night she may not be ready to train just yet. Keep trying and good luck.

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answers from Casper on

I have a 4 year old girl and she was the worst to potty train. Very very set in her ways. Maybe ask your daughter why she wants to go in her diaper and not in the potty. You might be supprised at the answer. I finaly had to tell my daughter that if she couldnt be a big girl we would have to put her in the diaper all the time. And if she wasnt going potty like a big girl she couldnt do all the fun stuff big girls do. Like go to school. I did nave to be alittle harder on her at times. Because if they hold it to long it can cause baldder infections. We found that out the hard way. Hope this helps alittle. M.

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answers from Boise on

My oldest kinda went through the same thing when she was about 3-4. She wasnt holding her pee it was the other. She would wait until she was sick before she would go. It was horrible. I took her to several reg Dr.s before really we found out is was more emotional. It was something she could control. So we really consentrated on keeping stress out of the home and spoke to often to let her tell her feelings and it slowly but surely helped. I really dont know if this is the same thing but I thought I would let you know. Good luck.

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answers from Des Moines on

I just want to tell you that my daughter, who recently turned 4, has been potty trained for quite some time and she still wets the bed at night. I've tried everything from restricting fluids after 6 and making her go pee before bed, etc etc, but I'm thinking what she needs is time. Don't feel bad for the pull up or diaper at night. We have been washing sheets every day for a month, and I've decided that this little girl is just not a light sleeper. Do all you can to help her learn, but a pull up keeps the sheet clean :) Just another point of view from a mother with wet beds! Hang in there!

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answers from Lincoln on

You should talk to her about this. First of all it may be convenient for you to have the diaper at night, but it is not doing any good!! Go to the store and get a plastic bed sheet and them on top of that get another one that is a regular fabric bed sheet. That way you are sure not to ruin the bed. And also another on top of the plastic helps not to make so much noise.

You need to tell your daughter that if she keeps holding in her potty that she can get sick and it will make it hurt to go potty... that can also be another reason that she is not going. She may have a blatter infection and is waiting untilo she can't hold it anymore. IF she continues this I would take her to the dr to have it checked out!!

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answers from Grand Forks on

I only know of one problem with holding it for a long time is that you have a bigger chance of getting a UTI from it. bactearia likes the bladder a lot. I geuss if I was you and she wants to wait till bed time to use the diaper, I would get rid of the diaper and put up with the wet sheets. It shouldn't last to long if she can hold it all day she should be able to hold it all night, It will just take a little while to get used to it. I hope this helps, and good luck with what ever you plan to do.

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answers from Iowa City on

Hey Brekka! I just saw your bulletin about Arya. I am just popping in to say "Hi!" I was excited to see someone on here that I actually knew!
So anyway, "hi!" - have a great day. Oh, sorry I am no help with the potty training thing. Hope to see you soon at any MOM Club events coming up!


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answers from Sioux Falls on

I would make it a game to use the bathroom. One thing is to sit and make faces in a mirror, and can only do that on her potty, or sing songs with her while she is on it, or another way to help is the reward system, which everytime she uses the potty, she can get a candy, or the sticker chart which after so many stickers, she gets to pick out something at the store, like around $1 or $2. If you are a Walmart nut like me, they have a section of toys that have favorite tv characters on them for less then a $1. If she tries to hold it in while on the potty chair, turn on the water to a drizzle, not a full blast but enough to make a sound. Children have a hard time holding it in when they hear that. Good Luck!

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answers from Grand Forks on

Make sure she is drinking lots of water during the day. That way it will be harder for her to hold it. The other ladies had some very good point too. Also if she can hold her potty all day she can hold it at night her bladder is strong enough. Save some money and be gone with the diapers. Yes you will have to do more laundry but maybe you can get some new sheets and she can help pick them out and help make her bed with you. It's fun to do things together. It gives you some time together to talk about things that are going on. It also makes you slow down to her speed when she is helping. My daughter went through the same thing about the same age and you just have to keep going. Let her know it's ok and sometimes that’s just what kids do. Also she may be needing some one on one time with you. Sounds like you have your hands full. Good luck and just take one day at a time.

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