Light of Life in Seven Valleys
and Greater Dover Dance Academy in Dover.
I am looking to get my almost 4 year old daughter into dance classes. Do any in the York area come highly recommended?
Light of Life in Seven Valleys
and Greater Dover Dance Academy in Dover.
Experimental Movement Concepts (EMC) in New Freedom is really good. My daughter actually took gymnastics there, but I know many people who have children in dance and love it. I've also heard that MGM,in Shrewsbury, is good. We are in Southern York County, so those are the only ones I know about.
I took dance classes for 18 years at Darleen Paddison's Dance Studio but that ended almost 10 years ago so I don't know what it is like now. I have a co-worker whose granddaughter goes to Greater York Center for Dance Education and has positive comments about it.
I don't know where you live in York, but we use Silver Spring Dance Conservatory on Marietta Ave in Columbia and love it. If you are on the east side of York it really isn't that far. They make a lot of the costumes for recitals, so costs are low, they don't want the younger kids wearing make-up for the recitals and everyone is really wonderful. Here is a link to the website: www.ssdcdance.org Good luck finding a place!