I think it is absolutely shameful what our regulator's consider ''food''.
It does not surprise me iin the slightest.
Ever look into how we get our mass production of Corn to make all the crappy food that is on the shelf in every food store........MONSANTO is taking over how we eat. shoot it is taking over how we garden. None of it being safe to consume either.
I have no idea what they would need to put aspartame in milk. Surely it will have something to do with cutting cost and raising profit.
The Gov't and the FDA regulators have proven by the lack of willingness to look into the dangers of Bio-engineered food. That they do not have our best interests in mind.
Things you can do to kick them where it counts.......Make sure you buy from locally milked cows. You can still find wholesome farmers out there not shooting their stock up with hormones and other nasty things.
Sure you will pay more for it. If you move to an all natural locally grown way of eating all together, you cut out the junk food that racks up your grocery bill in the first place. so you actually end up saving money buying that way. PLUS you are supporting small business agriculture...instead of the BIG FARM complex that is pushed now days.
If we keep forking our money into cows treated this way........We are only perpetuating this sort practice.
I am a firm believer we can live with out drugged up milk, toxic fruits and veggies and making farm sustainable once more and feeding the masses the way it was designed to do. We just need to scale back and trust the farmers who had been farming it right before the farming took over.
Off my Box. In my work as an Activist I have fought to have food labeled for GMO. This falls under that same ideal. I want to know what is in what ever I am consuming!
Thank You for posting this. If more people know and understand what they are trying to do to our food maybe we can stop it before it gets REALLY OUT OF HAND!
Added.......I dont think some of the responding understand how much the food suppliers get away with.
There is soo much of our food, not allowed in other Countries because of how it is made, and the GMO's in them.
As of right now, we do not have any laws banning said food, the production and the monopoly game played around it all.
For instance......a farmer growing a crop big enough to be considers an industrial farm, is pretty much forced to buy Monsanto seed(one of the largest seed producer on the market now days because of the patent they have on seed.....killing pretty much every competition out there) due to cost and their monopoly on the market. Once the farmer has purchased the seed, they are only allowed to use it for one growing season. If they are caught replanting their next crop with the same seed, Monsanto WILL come in with legal action. They have so many lawyers no farm could stand up to them.
If you look at who works for or has worked for Monsanto, it is almost like reading a list of whose who in Washington. Names like Hillary Clinton made the list of former employee's or representative.
so to be as naive as saying it would never happen, is pretty much living with your blinder's on. They can. They will and will not think twice about it when ever thing is all said and done.
There is good reason why they have attempted to ''hide'' the issues like GMO food for soo long. There is strong connections linking obesity, cancer and many other chronic illness to the consumption of GMO foods.
They dont want us to have a clue. That clue will unveil a whole lot of SERIOUS issues for the Corporate Agriculture complex.
Please do not for a moment think they would not act on this. They would, they will and we have to accept it and then fight to change it.
It takes alot of research and planning to remove the toxic food sources from ones shopping list. But doing so will kick Companies like Monsanto and Big dairy in the crotch. I will go get my steel toe boots.......You get your's too!