Mmmmm.... if you're currently in Seattle he may be experiencing the whole Seattle Sinus.
We have more mold here than in the Amazon and 3 out of the 4 biggest rainforests in the world. Add into that our bizarre weather (70s one week, 40s the next, daily temperature fluctuations of 10-40 degrees between one day and the next, and the pervasive damp), and our immune systems go totally wonky. Sniffles can and do last months. Sinus infections, upper respiratory infections (hack hack hack)... It usually takes people most of a year for their bodies to get in the "flow" with our environment... because it changes so often. About the only constants are the molds and the damp. ALTHOUGH many of us with "chronic" sinus infections/ etc find that all we have to do is cross the mountians or head out of state to have them "clear up" in 24hrs.
Weclome to the hack, hack, sniff, hack Great Northwest.
Oh yeah... we have one of the highest populations of unvaccinated kids AND people typically bring their sick kids with them out in public on a regular basis (no lie, you will see mom's with barf bags at the park because they didn't want to be "cooped up" on a sunny day... and FORGET racking coughs, fevers, pox, handwashing, covering when sneezing or coughing. <rolls eyes> It's "no one else matters" syndrome. And it's rampant.