Good morning,
I am new to Texas, just moved here from California but I am a certified paralegal (went thru the program at UCLA), worked in family law for 18 months but most importantly I have an X husband who sounds a lot like yours, self-absorbed! I've been divorced for 9 years (I am the petitioner!) and my X seems to think I'm money hungry and spend my child support on myself. Yea right!
In CA the courts use a program called the Dissomaster (sp?) where all information is submitted such as custodial time of each parent and the salaries of each parent which determines the amount of child support that is paid. If your X currently has more custodial time then what was originally stated in your divorce papers, your child support could be lowered. However, if each parent's custodial time has remained the same the amount of support cannot be lowered.
As far as him stating he is making less money, he will have to prove it as whenever you go to the Courts to modify either child support or spousal support, he/she will have to fill out a new Income and Expense Declaration and most times will have to submit paystubs with this document for verification.
What I don't understand is why a parent wants to hurt their own children due to their dislike of their former spouse. Weren't we good enough to marry and have children with in the first place?
I have several friends who are constantly battling with their X's over child support issues. It truly saddens me to see how fathers (and even some mothers) turn their backs on their children due to the anger/hatred towards the other parent. The only losers here are our precious children.
I moved to Texas for several reasons but the main one is due to the high cost of living in CA. I simply could no longer do it. My X moved to an extremely affluent neighborhood and I agreed to let him enroll our children in the school district in his new neighborhood as it is a better district. And, after 6 years of commuting at least an hour in the morning and 1.5 to 2 hours in the evenings back to my residence, my boys asked me to sell the house and move closer to their schools. I've been struggling with the high cost of rent since then and had no quality of life because I was constantly worried about money.
My oldest son will be 18 in August and I will lose 1/2 of my support. But what really gets me is that as of March 2009, he (X) wants to give $600 directly to my older son instead of paying it to me. My older son has not lived with his father for the past 3 years and I never took him back to Court to modify my child support from 1/2 time to full time. Do you think he has ever said "thank you" to me? Of course not!!!
My X, like yours, makes tons of money. Well, actually he quit working (he was a CFO in the Entertainment Industry and made over $150k a year) when he remarried. Lucky him, he married a Dermotologist so not only are they rolling in the dough, he gets free Botox!!! hahahahahaha!
But I told my X this, "You may live in a multi-million dollar house, take fabulous vacations all over the world and stay in 5* hotels, and get free Botox injections. However, none of these things matter as the only thing that matters is the amount of love a person has in their heart!" He stopped getting Botox for about 6 months but last time I saw him I noticed his facial muscles did not move as he spoke! hahahahahaha!!!
Good luck to you,