I don't have any idea what you are asking about, what is cyber begging and why would you pay for it and why does anyone want to find it?
I am in need of real help and went online to look for cyberbegging sights but I need to know if anyone know of any that do not require paypal account?
I don't have any idea what you are asking about, what is cyber begging and why would you pay for it and why does anyone want to find it?
I scared to even Google this subject.
Are you literally begging for money?
This may not be the right site to be asking this question.
I just googled it. I can't believe people really do this. Amazing. It's not hard to get a paypal account though. I'm not sure how else you would have people give you money over the internet if you don't have one. If you are so broke that you don't have a bank account or credit card then there is always the old fashion way of just begging on the street corner. You could also go to FIA and sign up for any programs they have or sell your plasma at a center.
Good luck
Paypal is a safe way for people to donate without sharing sensitive banking/credit card/payment information.
That's why many cyber begging sites use it.
As it is, there are way too many people who will scam you for some money.
Identity theft is rampant and will cause headaches for years - people do not want to risk it.
Social services and local churches are your best bet.
If you need more help than they will give you, I'm not sure what you should do.
There are plenty of out of work people begging for food on street corners and several tent cities that had to be moved to higher ground when hurricane Irene blew through here and flooded low lying areas.
Times are tough every where.