CRV Vs Prius V

Updated on August 14, 2012
J.W. asks from Saint Louis, MO
10 answers

So that is pretty much the question. My dad has decided my car has far too many miles on it. Yeah, I have a CRV but apparently dad doesn't get I want to figure out how many miles I can put on this car. Whatever!!

So if you had to choose between a Honda CRV and a Prius v which would you choose?

As a side note, I really don't want to hear the news talk about St Louis's package! :(

Oh some stats, two of my kids are adults, the other two are 11 and 13. We don't need a lot of room, heck in three years we will need less. :)

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So What Happened?

Oh Cheryl, I can make any car have pick up, even if I have to get out and push!

Angie, that only works if you dad is on board with the running them into the ground! Ever since my mom died he is about giving us stuff!

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answers from Honolulu on

I have friends who have the Prius. They like it a lot.
For one of them, the Spouse that has it is the one that drives a long ways each day and all over town. They like it. And they have 2 young kids. They and their stuff fit in it fine.

I also drove one for awhile, a rental, I liked it. My kids even missed it when we had to give it back. ;)

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answers from Omaha on

I like the looks of the new CRV way better than the Prius and it looks like it has more room. The gas mileage on the Prius is probably better, but Honda makes a well-built car that will run forever and it holds its resale value well. Of the two the CRV wins hands down.

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answers from Atlanta on

My husband has a Prius. We LOVE it. It's HUGE on the inside - have you been in one? Highly recommended.

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answers from Minneapolis on

LOVE our Prius. 170k miles, not one issue. The back seat is actually quite roomy compared to our minivan. We took it on 2 3000 mile road trips the last 2 years and my kids (13 and 11) never complained of space issues. I even rode comfortably in the back 25% of the time.

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answers from Boston on

I have a Prius and like 95% of the features. Ours is a hatch back. I think there is a new one that has a roomier "way back" for more storage. But ours is very versatile and the back seat is quite roomy. You can't beat the gas mileage and I'm really sick of putting all the money into something so wasteful. It's very quiet so you can't get mad at a pedestrian if you're coming up to them and they don't hear you but it just makes me a little more considerate. I'm saving a ton of money on gas, and I haven't needed any repairs in 4 years other than the usual preventive maintenance.

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answers from Jacksonville on

I can't imagine EVER driving a Prius. Too small for my tastes and needs.
If I don't want to sit in the back seat because it is cramped, I don't want to shove my kids back there either. And going on vacation?? Ummm no. I need more space.

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answers from Washington DC on

CRV all the way!!! Bob has to commute behind some Prius' and they pick up, etc...or maybe it's the driver...but I can't see you in a Prius.

Stick with the CRV!!!

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answers from Charlotte on

Next time I buy a car, I'm going to get a hybrid. Maybe it won't be a Prius, but it will be a hybrid. I saw a commercial with Shaq advertising a hybrid - that car had a ton of room for him to sit in it! It's an American car, and I usually drive Japanese cars, but I admit that I may consider Shaq's car for the size. I have a family member who drives a Prius and loves it. Am I correct that a Prius is bigger than a Prius V? Any chance you could have a Prius instead?

How much do you spend on gas every month? That might be your deciding factor. Then again, since your dad is giving you this as a gift, maybe the difference in what is paid for a hybrid versus what is paid for a regular car doesn't really matter. (Can't get a discount on a hybrid.) The other thing is that you don't sit as high up in a Prius as you do a CRV. I always seem to feel safer when I'm higher up in a car, which is why I liked my SUV so much. (But the gas mileage stinks!)

Good luck deciding! If you are worried about the size of the car, would your dad let you pay the difference in the Prius and the Prius V? Then you'd get bigger AND good gas mileage!


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answers from San Francisco on

Prius. We have a RAV4 and a Prius - almost got the CRV. I think crossovers/SUVs are only right for you if you use them regularly for their features. We do, but if we had to go down to one car, it would be a Prius. You can still strap bikes, kayaks, snowboards etc and drive through the snow in a small car. The extra pep of a crossover is fun but not worth the cost (gas, maintenance etc). I love love love my Prius. I especially love that I lose track of gas prices :)

ETA: Don't buy a car based on looks!

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answers from Washington DC on

When I totaled my CRV (which I loved very much), we looked at the new CRV, the minivan, and the Prius. Loved all but the CRV ... It's not as blindspot free as the old body style (at least for us vertically challenged people). We went with the minivan, since we weren't sure what we would need for car seats in our foster parenting endeavors. So, if your choices are CRV and Prius, and you no longer have car seats to worry with, I vote for Prius.

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