First I would try contacting the credit card companies to see if they will lower your percentage (get on the phone w/a supervisor). It helps to collect credit card offers you get in the mail, and if your CC companies give you a hard time, you can say that you have an offer from X company for X percent that you will switch to (they want you to refer directly to the offer for confirmation), ask them to match it or lower yours. Also, if that fails, inform them that you are very close to going into "debt consolidation" and you are trying to find solutions first, and they should do everything in their power to keep you happy.
There are also banks who do loans, and depending on what you make and what you owe, that may be possible. Call your bank to see if they do a personal or a debt consolidation. If they think you don't have the finances, they will not give you the loan.
If you can't get your percentages lowered or get a bank loan, you may have to go into debt consolidation - if so try CCCS, consumer credit counseling service. There are a lot of sham companies out there, these guys do it right. They cut deals with your credit card companies, they pay them on time and you still get the statements. You have to do a payment up front, but counselors walk you through it.
I've gone through all these steps. It's very stressful to be behind, and this economy doesn't help. Good luck. : )