I found this online by searching "recipe templates", hope it works for you.
Anyone know of a website that offers free software or recipe templates that will allow me to create a cookbook? If you get Family Fun Magazine, this month they had a website called smilebox.com/familyfun to create recipe pages but you need Windows XP to do that. I am looking for something similiar to this website since I do not have XP. Thanks!
I found this online by searching "recipe templates", hope it works for you.
My mother and I both make cookbooks for family members, etc. We make customized books which are adorable. Each recipe card contains pictures which pertain to the individual recipe. It then kind of has the feel of a scrapbook. I could e-mail you one of my forms perhaps. Or maybe I could make one for you.
Do you use a mac? I know the templates on iwork could be used.
I love your cookbook idea...are you doing it for friends or self-publishing for the world?
Hi, W.. I don't know if you ever found a cookbook web site you were looking for, but here is the one that my MOPS group used one year to publish our own cookbook. It was very easy and fairly reasonable. My sister-in-law used the same publisher for their family cookbook.
I currently made a cookbook just using Word and made my own format but I know Microsoft Works has a template. I can email it to you to show you.