Some one year old's are definitely more active than others. Sounds like you have a QUITE active one. :) Discipline begins from when they are very young, so you can SURELY discipline a one year old. Of course it is different type of discipline for different ages as maturity is quite different. The "mean mommy look" as a friend puts it, a stern that is not okay and then gently showing them what is okay...the desired behavior are most effective for one year olds I think as you redirect them to the desired behavior. At one, they are still learning a WHOLE lot as you know. One of the biggest things they are learning is how people react to how they behave. If I do this, mommy will do that kind of thing. So praising their good behavior and frowning on their bad behavior is very important. Of course it's hard sometimes because they are so cute when they are being naughty sometimes, but it's important nonetheless to teach them right from wrong. In the case of the restaurant, if she throws something, she doesn't get to play with it again. It's a cause and effect discipline. You threw it so it's not here anymore kind of thing. I'd do the high chair with the seatbelt so she can't stand up in it (though I understand if she still can stand, my first son (who's now three, my other son is 19.5 months) would ALWAYS weasel his way out of the grocery cart when I had the seatbelt on as tight as it would go so I'd often end up carrying him while pushing the cart for his own safety). If she throws a fit, I would say okay we need to leave the table because this is not okay in a restaurant. And then one parent take her out and quietly hold her or have her in a corner so it's not fun to leave the table, away from the people and fun. I hope this helps. One can be a tough age because they are so curious and learning so much and yet can't communicate clearly yet. Best wishes to you!