My kids love scissors at that age. You can get spring loaded ones so they can cut. You can also get blade-free ones (can't remember if you can get blade free and spring loaded). YOu'd just need to sit and watch him, but it's been a favorite for my kids even at that age.
Instead of a bottle of glue, try a glue stick for him to use (might get messy, but it's cleaner than a bottle of glue)...and you coming up behind discreetly with your own and adding any needed additional glue.
One of my kid's favorite activities is to use a disposable baking pan (like one you'd use to cook casserole in and give to someone and they can toss it). I put water in it, just a few inches, and then add little creatures - like the little lizards and dinosaurs and things like that. I do it at the kitchen table, and put towels under so catch water that splashes out. My kids LOVE it. I also give them little measuring spoons and cups to pour the water back and forth in.
Here's a pic to show you what I mean (he's making a funny face because he was in the middle of telling me something very "important"). You'll need to delete the space before .com to get the link to work:
http://lh4.ggpht. com/_KuLOYV4GQNs/TFSOcZzSAMI/AAAAAAAALLc/MYorkFrCz9E/s1600-h/playing%2C-trampoline%2C-pants-falling-down-003%5B4%5D.jpg
You can't see it, but he had a little paper cup that he was playing with too.
Another idea is to get a water and/or sand table (at his age, I suggest getting either/or otherwise the sand will likely get a little too full with water like my 2 yr old did much to the dismay of our older kids!). Water games like this they will play with forever.