Contact the investigating social worker (CSW) or your daughters social worker and let them know you want to get the breast milk to her, even if it means dropping it of at with the babies social worker.
Get busy, follow every direction of the Children's court, contact every doctor who has seen her, every person who is in regular contact with her.
You have the right to a hearing after 72 hours of them detaining your child. Try to have as much info from doctors especially, and pump milk to be delivered tothe baby and bring it to court in an ice chest for safe transport.
Good luck, also, if you have any family members at all that are willing, able and good for your child, have them come to court with you or contact your daughters social worker with their info so they can do a homestudy of the relative. That way, they may be able to place your baby with them until you are able to complete all the court requirements ( if any). Make sure with any relative, they have a clean background and a room that is just for the baby not used for any other purpose.
No judgement, I really hope you get your baby back soon, don't give up hope.
K., ex-la county social worker for children's court
One last thing, it sounds like there is a pattern of unusual bruising, markings and now fractures. Very clearly, state your desire to have extensive testing done to see if there is a medical condition not detected, even try to do a little research yourself online. Also, I would request that you be allowed to attend and offer comfort to your baby at any medical precdures ordered.
Good luck