I do not mean to come across offensive......yesterday was day 1 of school. HOW can you know that you and your daughter are not fond of her teacher on day 1? I assume you just met so how can you possibly know her teacher? She could be the best teacher in your ISD.
Yes, you requested a particular teacher. Most administrators do not like this practice from parents because everyone has a favorite teacher and everyone cannot get who they think they might want. Typically if you request a teacher, you must give valid reasons as to why. The fact that you think highly of someone is not a reason that is looked at seriously. Administrators have all types of personalities of children to match with teachers who are best suited for each class.
Personality conflct? Her appearance? What did the teacher do to be judged so quickly? What basis for a teacher change will you explain to the principal. Why don't you volunteer and spend some time to get to know the teachers. They need all the help they can get from volunteers so they can focus on their priority which is our children.
If you explain this to the principal, either way it goes, your child and her cousin will be marked in school. Teachers talk among themselves about children, parents, parental involvement. Names of parents and children who have consistant conflicts circulate within the teacher groups like wildfire.
I don't see an issue with cousins or siblings in the same classroom at all if that is what is best for your family, however, it also could help your daughter and her cousin develop new friends, talents, their own individuality. Most siblings where I sub are separated. If they are in the same grade level, they will be able to see each other at recess, lunch and a lot of times PE.
I applaud you for looking out for your little ones with so much care. This is the beginning of a long process for your children. I'd say pick your battles wisely.
Again, I mean no insult at all to you or any other moms here. I hate seeing teachers judged because they are new to a school, appearance issue, someone just wanted a different teacher, etc.
Best wishes to you...