The mom who does the couponmom.com shops at my store. She really does practice what she preaches. We often compare notes.
I was just wondering what are some good free sites for coupons?I was getting the sunday paper but there werent may.Also if you have any saving tips as far as shopping goes..I do pretty well but I know I can be saving more..Thanx!
The mom who does the couponmom.com shops at my store. She really does practice what she preaches. We often compare notes.
I also recommend checking out www.southernsavers.com. This website is great! She has weekly lists for most major grocery stores in the southern US that match up coupons with the weekly sales ads. You can customize the list and print your shopping list right from the website. Very helpful!
I can't believe no one's listed these yet:
I also like www.dealseekingmom.com, who tells you where to take your coupons for the most savings on an item.
It's amazing how many sites are out there. I'm writing all these down.
EDIT: Oops! Apologies to Robin and Beth, who did list those sites :(
Swappin Spoons is another good one.
My favorite saving blog is www.couponsdealsandmore.com There is a "Printable Coupons" page (tab in the header) with over 1200 printable coupons. There is also a "Printable Rebate Forms" page. If you ever have questions, the blogger is great at answering them, and the other commenters are very helpful also. Click on the "How To Begin Couponing" square on the right for VERY HELPFUL & INFORMATIVE article on what to do to get started. Happy Saving!!
Some of my favs are:
I really like these blogs:
Saving Cents with Sense for coupons and coupon match-ups http://www.savingcentswithsense.net/coupon-resources/coup...
Freebies4Mom is fun for freebies and other good deals
what great responses i'm taking notes.
The Best site i have found so far or Coupons is:
She has been featured on Oprah, the Today show and some others. Its an awesome site that has not only printable coupons, but daily deals, weekly updates and is very up to date with the latest and greatest! She has techniques that are extremely useful, grocery store deals broken down where you can easily find the ones in YOUR area and all that good stuff.
There are links on the site to get to all the major coupons sites as well:
PG Saver
Good Luck! There is so much saving out there to be done! On Average I can usually cut my grocery bill by 50% using the techniques and store discounts she suggested.
Just wanted to add one more www.smartcouponing.com
Check whatever store you go to websites. Kroger will load them right to your shopper card. Very convientant, I still walk around with my coupon book too, but I'm loading them to my card more and more. Also, I have begun planning meals for at least 2 weeks if not for the whole month. That way I have 1 BIG shopping trip a month and a weekly milk, bread & banana run. This helps a lot. Also, if you know the "cheapest family in America " is on the today show, watch! I can't see myself doing everything they do to save money. But, what tips I have used has saved me big bucks. They have a couple of books out too. I haven't read them but they are on my wish list. Let me know if you would like a sample month or so of a meal plan. ____@____.com. Warning! Going on vacation so i tmight take me a week to get it to you. One more thing, I count it a victory when I can produce a nutritional, yummy, cheap (8$ or less for 4 people) meal. So if you would like some recipes let me know. Good luck!
coupons.com, redplum.com, smartsource.com. Some stores also have coupons you can load onto their rewards cards and other stores have coupons you can print from their site. You can also go to different product websites and sometimes they will send you some or you can print of their site too. You can also look for coupon bloggers in your area, they do alot of the leg work for you and tell you where the sales are and what coupons to match to them. The local blogger I read is frugallivingnw.com. You can probably google coupon bloggers or something and get a list for your area.