My family is also on a budget, so I know the need to save money. I used to have a very small coupon holder that had several pages/pockets with several catagories. Since I was purchasing the double paper to get double the coupons, the pockets were bursting to a point where I could barely close the book, so I put my organizational skills to work. I had a binder that I filled with baseball card inserts so that I could better organize within each catagory and also used tab dividers to divide each catagory (frozen, dairy, beverages, breakfast, paper, canned items, health/beauty, cleaning, misc, etc). Inside each catagory I wrote with a sharpie on each sleeve to state what is in that slot (yogurt, butter, cheese, etc). I also stock my binder with notebook paper at the front so I can write out my list, and I also have a zipper bag to house my pen, calculator, and paperclips. I used to be the Wal-Mart shopper, but have come to a point where I will shop 3 places. I shop the ads first to determine what I will get at each store, provided they have what I need that is on sale. Remember that Tom Thumb and Kroger double and triple coupons. That is a great savings right there. Then I head to Target to get what I didn't need at the other stores. I happen to like the clientele at Target better than Wal-mart. And I have to say that Target's prices are actually quite comparible now.
Good luck and happy saving :)