I agree with the colic. You can also try gipe water...located at your local pharmacy
My 7 week old baby girl cries a lot when she is not being held, I hold her almost constantly so I don't hear her cry much but around 5 pm crying spells hit her and it lasts till about 10 pm. Its a cry like she is in pain and the only thing that seems to quiet her is to nurse her (she will start to cry as soon as she is off), I know she is not hungry. She does spit up but I think its because she is so full. My husband said today maybe it could be reflux. I think its gas cause she tenses up. When I took her to the doctor at 2 weeks I could hear her belly gurgling but she wasn't crying, now no gurgling, the doctor said to give her mylicon once every 6 hours. I have also tried gripe water. She will have an appointment but its not until almost 2 weeks. She was a preemie. I was wondering if this sounds familiar to anyone that has a baby with reflux, and how the doctor finds that out? Did medicine help? Any advice? I would like to be able to devote my sons night routine completely to him. Oh and she sleeps in bed with us and sleeps just fine at night w/o elevation.
I agree with the colic. You can also try gipe water...located at your local pharmacy
It could be colic. Try giving her acidophilus. You can get it at Whole Foods or People's Pharmacy. You can put some on your nipples before you nurse her. If she is having stomach troubles this will calm it down.
Both of my girls have/ had reflux. It does not sound like reflux to me. my girls could spit up most to all of the formula they had just drank and at times cried after burping. It was not bad enough to warent medication.
It sounds to me like your baby is nursing for comfort because children are born with a need to suck. try a pacifier AND IF it is gas try a few different burping positions....burp her every 5-8 minutes while nursing and attempt to burp her at least up to 10 minutes after she is finished.
there are several burping positions I like to sit my girls on my lap lean them forward resting their chest on the palm of my hand while patting their back....also you can try laying her on her back rubbing her belly around the belly button in a clock wise motion. If this does not bring relief I would go back to square one...the Pedi.
If your baby is colic which when I looked it up sounds an awful lot like what you describe...feeding her when she is not hungry is making it worse.... read this http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2779
MOST IMPORTANTLY I would just take her to the PEDI.
God Bless!! let us know what happends!
When you say she tenses up, does she arch her back when you stop feeding her? My son had reflux and this sounds a lot like what he did, but you would have to see the doctor to confirm. He would scream for about 30 minutes after each feeding and arch his back like he was in pain. I thought it was gas and that he had to burp, but there was no amount of burping that ever solved the problem. He was diagnosed with reflux, put on Prevacid and it worked like a charm. He is now 7 months old and has been off of the meds for about a month, so they do outgrow it. I know I was in tears when I was talking to the doctor about this because he had been screaming so much after every meal for about 2 weeks before I figured out something was wrong and I was at the end of my rope. I felt so horrible for him and was very sad that he was in so much obvious pain. The meds help though, so get another appointment for sooner if you can and tell them what her symptoms are. It may just be colic too. Good luck. I hope they can figure out what's going on with her.
Does he arch his back when he cries? Is he rigid when you hold him? My daughter was and after 2 weeks of crying I told the doc what was going on and he put her on Prevacid and within 2 days she was quiet and happy! Good luck and I gave mylicon up to 12 times per day....it did not help till we started the prevacid!
My youngest daughter had reflux. It was discovered when no matter how we altered her feeding she threw up a large part of her food. She was always hungry for more, but unable to keep most of it down. Luckily it did not affect her growth. We had to feed her smaller amounts a lot more frequently to keep how much she spit up down.
Having said that...reflux has many different symptoms and affects different children in varied ways. I would go see a pediatrician and have them diagnose your child...
I hope this helps... ;-)