My 2.5 yo son is in "Day Care" part-time, MWF all day. He loves it and so do I. The cost is $34 a day ($170 per week). I am not currently working but he wanted to go so bad and was asking me everyday. Finally, I started looking around. I toured at lease 7 in my area. I picked one that just happened to open in my neighborhood 3 minutes down the road they actually have:
extended Hours 6:30am to 6:30pm
Five Day Curriculum for Pre-School & Pre-K
Part Time Pre-School schedules available
Lower Student Teacher Ratios (I think for his class its 7/1)
Sign Language for Infants and Toddlers
Computers and Spanish for Pre-School & Pre-K
In-door Gymnasium
Parents Night Out Program Twice a Month
Bio-metrics Finger Scan Secure Entry System
http://www.thenorthstaracademy.com/ in Lantana.
I encourage you to take a tour of the day cares in your area and dont settle for anything. If I saw 1 thing wrong or unusual, I did not go for it.
Also, there has been other moms in your area that asked the same question not to long ago. You may want to go back and look at the requests and answers given. I know there were many with great advice and prices.
Don't go to Childrens Lighthouse, they are horrible and could careless about your child and they have a horrible front office. My son went there for one week at the beginning of the year and I took him out as fast as I could. There ratios are 11/1, that is the state max.
go here to see the Texas Dept of Child and Protective Services:
scroll down and click search texas child care. You will find state info on each registered child care place and what violations they may have.
here is the minimal standerd rules for child care facilities as well:
Good luck,
T. Lee