You've gotten a lot of great responses that probably don't make it any easier to make a decision, but since I've had both experiences, too, I'll throw in my two cents worth. :)
My first delivery was completely unmedicated, by choice. I was a 40 year old first-time mom, and from all that I read, heard, and researched, I felt like it was the best choice for both my baby and me. It was the hardest and most wonderful thing I've ever done in my life. Nothing compares to it!
My second child was born via a scheduled C-section, because her umbilical cord was marginally inserted into my placenta and labor could have caused a rupture, making her bleed to death before they could get her out. It wasn't worth the chance.
The experiences were very different for lots of reasons, some of which were due just to life changes. But even after a very difficult, 33 hour labor, I had the most incredible high after giving birth vaginally! I also had an incredibly intense bond with my baby. With the C-section, it was all very anticlimatic and impersonal. My baby had to be taken away immediately, because of breathing problems (she was born 6 weeks early, so the scheduled C became a somewhat emergency C when my water broke early). She was in NICU for 10 days. As much as I loved her from the beginning, it (the experience as a whole) felt just very clinical and remote, compared to the first birthing experience. I don't regret it one bit, because I'm grateful we have that optional method of birthing - it saved my baby's life, most likely! But I was sad for it to feel so different. On the other hand, I don't believe that moms don't bond with their baby after a C section. I just think the bonding becomes a different process.
Hope that gives more perspective. It is not an easy decision, regardless of the reasons for considering a C-section. But if you are healthy, I would really encourage you to give lots of consideration to a vaginal birth, and possibly even without an epidural.
By the way, as just an interesting sidenote, my vaginal delivery was at 2 a.m. I was up the next morning at 7 a.m., had a shower, and energetically and enthusiastically walked down the hall to the breastfeeding class. Everyone was amazed! Most of the other moms were C's who could barely stand or walk, and most had not showered even a couple of days later. The recovery from the vaginal was AWESOME - I think the hormones released during birth had a lot to do with it, as well. The C for me was not as bad as for most, mainly because I have a high tolerance for pain, but it still was no fun. And I still have what I guess is phantom pain in the incision area.
Best of luck in wading through all of this and reaching the best choice for you! And congratulations - you're getting close to an incredible experience, regardless of which way you go! Being a mom is the best thing in the world! And that's the real point - the birthing experience is relatively short, one way or another - but the relationship is what lasts and what really matters. God bless you and Baby!