You are right - every one experiences something different. My tell tale was always to lay down after drinking a glass of orange juice and a glass of water and if it all stops it isn't contractions. If it is good luck!
Am I having contractions or is it just pulling growing stretching pains?
You know when you are running and not breathing right and you get that sharp "side ache" pain? Thats what I feel every so often for the past couple hours but towards the bottom of my belly coming upward towards my belly button. I am also having a kind of cramping feeling, sort of like I am about to start my period.
I am very near to the end of my pregnancy but I dont want to go to the hospital and call my hubby out of work for no reason.
I know the experience is different for everyone but I was just wondering....
Ended up calling my OB and he told me to go in for monitoring because of my first being a c-section and I never experienced any contractions, I was given two of those shots that stop contractions and so far she has stayed in. We only have a few more weeks to go but I was more than happy to give her more time to "cook"
You are right - every one experiences something different. My tell tale was always to lay down after drinking a glass of orange juice and a glass of water and if it all stops it isn't contractions. If it is good luck!
you should time them so you know if they're coming at regular intervals. Also, say it is labor, you've most likely got quite a few hours of laboring ahead so probably don't need to get your husband out of work right away. Calling your doctor is good idea though.
Well if you are having four or more and hour and they are getting more intense, you should call the dr. So time them and see what happens. Of course I see that you posted yesterday, so you could have that baby by now!!! Congrats:)
Oh man... I would call your OB. This happened to me last week at the end of my pregnancy and by the time I finally went in (I was being stubborn) I had my daughter within an hour. When my water broke, she came gushing out with the water. I didn't even have to push. Imagine if I had kept ignoring the pain and just stayed home!
It does sound like contractions , are they becoming more painful? Are they getting closer together and lasting longer? If yes then it may be time to let hubby know that he has to come home!
Good luck
Yes, these could be contractions. I was induced with my first and hooked up to the monitor. You could see the mild contrations on the monitor, but to me they were like menstrual cramps. Once the real contractions started, I knew.
No need to go to the hospital or alert hubby. Over the next hour, time the "contractions" and see if they are coming at regular intervals. If they are, give your doctor a call. Or even if they're not at regular intervals, it wouldn't hurt to give the doctor a call if your concerned.
You need to keep track of them and see how close together they are and how regular they are. They could just be Braxton Hicks contractions. Those will be irregular and should ease up if you walk around. For example: you may have one and then 20 minutes later have another, then 8 minutes later have another, then 12 minutes later have another. l had those the night before I actually went into labor. Real contractions will be regular and it's not necessary to go to the hospital until they have been 5-7 minutes a part for about an hour. Also, real contractions will not ease up by you walking around or taking a warm bath. It could just be your body getting ready for labor.
It's hard to say. Why don't you call your doctor? They will let you know if they are "real". They'll let you know if you need to come in, although it doesn't sound like you need to. And they can advise you as to what to "look" for over the next few hours. Are the pains regular or spread out? I was 9 days late when I delivered and I was uncomfortable for about a week and *could* have been having contractions...but when they really started, I knew without a doubt.
Good luck to you with your pregnancy and here's to a quick and healthy delivery.
My daughter is 3 weeks old and I'm a personal trainer. so, exercised as often as I was up to it (I also have 10yr old & 3yr old, so I didn't push it like I did when I was pregnant with my 3yr old.) However, from what it sounds like, the pain that starts in your side and MOVES up to your belly button, probably a contraction. I would 1. make sure you're not dehydrated & 2. take it easy, especially if you're not due ofr a while. But the pain that just feels like a menstral cramp may just be that ligament that holds your uterus being pulled. I had a lot of that when I worked out. I couldn't run or walk very fast, but I could shuffle side ways with no problems. but still, listen to your body, if it hurts, don't do it. If you have access to a pool, do water aerobics. It's great for your body and you can do things in the pool that you can no longer do on land.
One trick that works for many is: when you feel those crampings (or whatever) feel the very top part of your uterus (where they measure to at each visit). If it is getting tighter when you are feeling the cramping, it is probably a contraction of some sort. If they are getting longer, stronger, and closer together, it could be labor. Also, especially when it is this hot, sometimes being dehydrated can cause these, so drink about a quart of water in an hour period and see if that makes them go away. Am guessing by the time you read this, you will already have an answer, but good luck with your birth if I'm not too late.
You could be in labor, and yes it usually is different for everyone. For me contractions felt like horrible cramping as if I was having my period but it was alot worse. It can also make you feel like (kinda graphic) you have to poop really bad but nothing comes out. I had contractions for a little over a month before I had either one of my daughters. If you time them it could give you a better idea. Near the end of your pregnancy braxton hics are very common for most women. Early contractions can just be a way of way body preparing itself for the actual labor. Good luck.